Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

This weekend we can only sit inside and daydream of Mom's special day with skies so blue, wisps of powdery white clouds, and tulips reaching for the sun. Mothers Day is a tradition that goes back centuries, originally based on the Greek festival to celebrate Rhea, the mother of the gods. In England, mothers were honored by early Christians on the fourth Sunday of Lent, a day that is still observed as Mothering Sunday.

In 1907, a schoolteacher in Philadelphia, set up a day in remembrance for her own mother, Ann Maria. It wasn't until 1914 that her hard work paid off and President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday of May as a national celebration of mothers.

For moms who knit show your appreciation with a special gift. We now have locally made needle cases in natural cotton, perfect for organizing all needle sizes from double points to those 14 inch lengths. Knitters love tools just as much as carpenters do, and this year the KNIT KIT tops the list with seven essential tools in a slim black case. Mom's knitting will be much easier with folding scissors, a tape measure, stitch markers, point protectors, a yarn cutter, a locking row counter, and a handy dandy crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches. These kits are ideal for stashing in a travel bag with a weekend project or taking to the cottage for summer visits (dreaming of long summer days knitting on the dock).

Give mom a little inspiration with a book on knitting stitches to keep closeby for easy reference or when it comes time to learn a new technique. Needle felting is a very popular craft that is attracting knitters by leaps and bounds. This Spring, we have had three workshops to learn the basics of needle felting, its simple and versatile, and can be applied as an embellishment on knitted scarves, felted purses, just about anything that needs a little extra touch of creativity.

Treat your mom to a special outing with fellow knitters. We have three KNITTERS TOUR still on our schedule for this year. In June, we spend an afternoon cruising through the Trent-Severn Waterway, with lunch and a few surprises along the way. In September, we board the Hammond coach for a tour through the Finger Lakes district and enjoy a weekend at the well-known fibre arts festival. In October, its a Saturday outing to Woodstock where fibre fans gather annually for a fun-filled day of demos, workshops and all things woolly.

Remember mom this weekend for all that she is and all that she does for you and your family.

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